Landslide susceptibility mapping and establishment of landslide early warning system in Baitadi district, Nepal | Landslide Early Warning expert | Collect and review of landslide inventory, EWS, responsible for coordinating and liaison with the client representatives, project team and relevant stakeholders. Technical input to establish a functional landslide EWS | OXFAM/IHRR | 2023 |
Be-Ready: Technical support on to co-design and test impact-based flood forecasting model for effective anticipatory action at Dodhara-Chandani Municipality | DRR expert | Design and develop flood modeling scenarios and identify trigger for anticipatory action; conduct household level vulnerability and risk assessment and visualize risk for decision support systems; support to strengthen existing early warning system for anticipatory action | DCA/IHRR | 2022-2023 |
GEO-ALERT System: Geohazard assessment and adoption of landslide early warning techno-system in the Nepal Himalaya | Landslide Early Warning expert | Collect and review of landslide inventory, EWS, responsible for coordinating and liaison with the client representatives, project team and relevant stakeholders. Technical input to establish a functional landslide EWS referred GEO_ALERT system for a geographic landscape that will be capable of detecting the triggering of landslide. | TAYAR/USAID | 2022-2023 |
Geo-technical investigation and detailed design of mitigation measures for vulnerable road slide slope in the Nepal Himalaya | Engineering Geologist | Geological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Field visit and data collection of the Dudhkoshi watershed. Contributed for the preparation of Multi-hazard map preparation. Ensure the quality of the assignment, track the progress and accomplish on time. | Department of Road/Pulchowk Campus | 2022-2022 |
Impact assessment of Kulekhani 1,2 and 3 HEP on water resource management, watershed management associated with socioeconomic and livelihood | Geologist | Geological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Prepared the geological map from the field as well as satellite imagery. | Water Resources Research and Development Center, Government of Nepal/Ioe, Nepal | 2021-2022 |
Multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment in lower Dudhkoshi watershed | Geologist/Landslide risk assessment expert | Geological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Field visit and data collection of the Dudhkoshi watershed. Contributed to the preparation of Multi-hazard map preparation. Ensure the quality of the assignment, track the progress and accomplish on time. | UNDP/IoE | 2021-2022 |
Dynamic risk assessment and early warning technology of rainstorm, flood, water and sediment disaster in mountainous area | Co-Investigator | Development of flood risk assessment criteria | National Key Research and Development Plan, China | 2020-2024 |
Filling in the Central Himalayan Seismic Gap: A Structural, Neotectonic, and Paleoseismic Investigation of the Western Nepal Fault System | Co-Investigator | Study fault systems in the western Nepal Himalaya and understand the important with paleo-seismic analysis | National Science Foundation, USA; University of Houston and Tribhuvan University | 2019-2021 |
Multi-hazard Urban Risk Transition Hub | Co-Investigator | Study the natural disaster and its impacts in the urban areas in Nepal | Edinburgh University, Tribhuvan University, Practical Action, NSET | 2019-2024 |