Ongoing Projects

ProjectPositionResponsibilityPartner OrganizationsYear
Landslide susceptibility mapping and establishment of landslide early warning system in Baitadi district, NepalLandslide Early Warning expertCollect and review of landslide inventory, EWS, responsible for coordinating and liaison with the client representatives, project team and relevant stakeholders. Technical input to establish a functional landslide EWSOXFAM/IHRR2023
Be-Ready: Technical support on to co-design and test impact-based flood forecasting model for effective anticipatory action at Dodhara-Chandani MunicipalityDRR expertDesign and develop flood modeling scenarios and identify trigger for anticipatory action; conduct household level vulnerability and risk assessment and visualize risk for decision support systems; support to strengthen existing early warning system for anticipatory actionDCA/IHRR2022-2023
GEO-ALERT System: Geohazard assessment and adoption of landslide early warning techno-system in the Nepal HimalayaLandslide Early Warning expertCollect and review of landslide inventory, EWS, responsible for coordinating and liaison with the client representatives, project team and relevant stakeholders. Technical input to establish a functional landslide EWS referred GEO_ALERT system for a geographic landscape that will be capable of detecting the triggering of landslide.TAYAR/USAID2022-2023
Geo-technical investigation and detailed design of mitigation measures for vulnerable road slide slope in the Nepal HimalayaEngineering GeologistGeological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Field visit and data collection of the Dudhkoshi watershed. Contributed for the preparation of Multi-hazard map preparation. Ensure the quality of the assignment, track the progress and accomplish on time.Department of Road/Pulchowk Campus2022-2022
Impact assessment of Kulekhani 1,2 and 3 HEP on water resource management, watershed management associated with socioeconomic and livelihood GeologistGeological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Prepared the geological map from the field as well as satellite imagery.Water Resources Research and Development Center, Government of Nepal/Ioe, Nepal2021-2022
Multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment in lower Dudhkoshi watershedGeologist/Landslide risk assessment expertGeological and landslide hazard mapping of the project area. Field visit and data collection of the Dudhkoshi watershed. Contributed to the preparation of Multi-hazard map preparation. Ensure the quality of the assignment, track the progress and accomplish on time.UNDP/IoE2021-2022
Dynamic risk assessment and early warning technology of rainstorm, flood, water and sediment disaster in mountainous areaCo-InvestigatorDevelopment of flood risk assessment criteriaNational Key Research and Development Plan, China2020-2024
Filling in the Central Himalayan Seismic Gap: A Structural, Neotectonic, and Paleoseismic Investigation of the Western Nepal Fault SystemCo-InvestigatorStudy fault systems in the western Nepal Himalaya and understand the important with paleo-seismic analysisNational Science Foundation, USA; University of Houston and Tribhuvan University2019-2021
Multi-hazard Urban Risk Transition HubCo-InvestigatorStudy the natural disaster and its impacts in the urban areas in NepalEdinburgh University, Tribhuvan University, Practical Action, NSET2019-2024